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- PhD in Digital Media, specializing in Immersive Media – University of Porto in collaboration with Stanford University (Portugal and USA).

- MA in Communication Sciences, with a major in Culture, Heritage, and Science – University of Porto (Portugal).

- BA in International Relations, with a major in Diplomacy – University of Minho (Portugal).


Diplomas and Certificates

-  Diploma in Theatre Acting – ACE - Contemporary Performing Arts Academy (Portugal).

- Diploma in Business Internationalization – Portuguese Entrepreneurial Association and INGAFOR – Business School (Portugal and Spain).

- Certificate in Teaching and Pedagogic Skills – Arts and Sciences Institute of Porto (Portugal).

Conferences and talks

1.    Baía Reis, António. 2024. “AI and the arts: Doomism or creative renaissance?”. AI ESAD.CR? Symposium on use and development of Artificial Intelligence in the Arts and Education. School of Arts and Design Caldas da Rainha. Caldas da Rainha. Portugal. KEYNOTE PRESENTATION

2.    Baía Reis, António. 2024. “Understanding Western – Insights for Ukranian XR Innovators”. Monthly XR Meetup of the XR Ukraine Community. KEYNOTE PRESENTATION.

3.    Baía Reis, António. 2024. “Tech Meets Art: Leveraging Emergent Media for Social Change”. UES 4th International Conference. CIS University. Madrid. Spain. KEYNOTE PRESENTATION.

4.    Baía Reis, António, Blein, Jorge Esteban. 2023. “Performance and metaverses: a foundational study on live theatre in social virtual reality.” IAMCR 2023 - International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference. Lyon, France. PAPER PRESENTATION

5.    Lotero, David, Baía Reis, António. 2023. “Immersive media and war reporting: uses, potentialities and challenges of 360° video to narrate armed conflicts”. IAMCR 2023 - International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference. Lyon, France. PAPER PRESENTATION

6.    Lotero, David, Baía Reis, António. 2023. “Immersive media and war reporting: uses, potentialities and challenges of 360° video to narrate armed conflicts”. The Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture (KAMC2023). The International Academic Forum. Kyoto, Japan. PAPER PRESENTATION 


7.    Lotero, David, Baía Reis, António. 2023. “Immersive media and war reporting in Colombia: uses, potentialities and challenges of 360° video to narrate armed conflicts.” iLRN 2023: 9th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network. California, USA. POSTER PRESENTATION 


8.    Baía Reis, António. 2023. “Embodiment: The Role of the Body in Digital Spaces” Descubre XR – VR Day Spain 2023. Madrid, Spain, KEYNOTE PRESENTATION.


9.    Baía Reis, António. 2023. Track Chair - Collaboration, Training & Education and Gaming, Entertainment & Media – “AWE XR 2023”, Austria Center Vienna. Vienna (Austria).


10.    Castro Lotero, David, Baía Reis, António. 2023. “Immersive Media to Remember Conflict: Use of 360° Video to Narrate Conflict Memory ". Media and Conflict Memory: an Interdisciplinary Workshop. University of Glasgow. Glasgow, Scotland. PAPER PRESENTATION

11.    A. Sá-Sousa; T. Rodrigues; S. Fernandes; P. Matos; N. Fonseca; I. Garcia-Lema; E. Dias Da Costa; M. Areia; L. Pereira Dias; C. Chaves Loureiro; J. Laerte Boechat; A. Baía Reis; D. Figueiredo; J. Almeida Fonseca; AL. Neves; C. Jácome. 2023. “ConectAR - Collaborative network of patients with chronic respiratory diseases and carers actively involved in health research: an initiative for the patient and public involvement.” EAACI Hybrid Congress 2023. POSTER PRESENTATION


12.    C. Jácome; N. Fonseca; T. Rodrigues; S. Fernandes; E. Dias Da Costa; R. Amaral; P. Matos; M. Areia; L. Dias; M. Vilaverde; C. Chaves Loureiro; J. Laerte Boechat; A. Baía Reis; D. Figueiredo; AL. Neves; P. Simões; L. Taborda Barata; J. Almeida Fonseca; A. Sá-Sousa. 2023. “PAAI - Interactive online self-learning programme for patients with asthma: a patient-and carer-centred approach on the most relevant topics to address.” EAACI Hybrid Congress 2023. POSTER PRESENTATION


13.    Bonini, Eduardo, Sá Sousa, Ana, Baía Reis, António, Dias da Costa, Emília. 2023. “Metaverse platforms for socialization and communication of science on respiratory health.” SOPCOM 2023 – Portuguese Communication Sciences Association Young Researchers Meeting, University of Coimbra, Coimbra. PAPER PRESENTATION


14.    Baía Reis, António. 2023. Member of Scientific Committee - “SOPCOM - 6th Meeting of Young Researchers in

Communication Sciences”, University of Coimbra. Coimbra (Portugal). 2023 


15.    Baía Reis, António. 2023. “Live performance in the metaverse.” OnLive Festival, Fondazione Piemonte – Turin, Italy KEYNOTE SPEAKER


16.    Baía Reis, António. 2022. “Raider of the lost sculpture: a practice-based research virtual reality storytelling for social impact and the role of digital media practitioners as academics, artists, and advocates.” ICA International Communication Association Conference 2022 – Paris, France PAPER PRESENTATION


17.    Baía Reis, António. 2022. “Redes sociales y nuevos medios”. II Foro Di(ver)sidades: fotoetnografía, identidad y coeducación. Universidad de Salamanca. KEYNOTE PRESENTATION


18.    Baía Reis, António. 2022. “From storytelling to storyliving: live acting in the metaverse as an innovative means for science and heritage communication.” III Conference on Scientific Heritage – Salamanca, Spain KEYNOTE PRESENTATION


19.    Baía Reis, António. 2022. “Immersive media and social change: from the empathic machine to emotional geography.” XII SOPCOM Communication Sciences Congress, Communication and Disruption: Technological, Social and Cultural Challenges – NOVA University of Lisbon – School of Social Sciences and Humanities – Lisbon, Portugal. PAPER PRESENTATION


20.    Baía Reis, António. 2022. “Somewhere over the theatreverse: a working in progress artistic manifesto on live performance in virtual reality.” HOPE Conference 2022, Immersive Theatre in expanded spaces – Berlin, Germany. KEYNOTE SPEAKER


21.    Baía Reis, António. 2022 “Comunicación y Metaverso”. International Conference on New Narratives in the Digital Society. Universitat Politècnica de València. Valencia (Spain). KEYNOTE SPEAKER


22.    Baía Reis, António. 2022. “Into the `theatreverse’ we go! Bits and pieces and other metaverse paraphernalia at the crossroads of live performance and XR technologies” - iLAB University of Calgary – Calgary, Canada KEYNOTE SPEAKER


23.    Baía Reis, António and Ashmore, Mark. 2021. “When theatre meets the metaverse: a conceptual framework for live theatre and performance in virtual reality.” Theatre Conference JAMU. Theatre Faculty of Janácek Academy of Performing Arts – Brno, Czech Republic. PAPER PRESENTATION


24.    Baía Reis, António; Esteban Blein, Jorge; Duran Fonseca, Estefany; Serra, Roger; Peña, Inma. “It is not about doing theatre in VR. It is about theatricalizing the metaverse!”. VR Days Europe 2021 – Amsterdam, The Netherlands. KEYNOTE SPEAKER


25.    Baía Reis, António; Esteban Blein, Jorge; Duran Fonseca, Estefany; Serra, Roger; Peña, Inma. “La Cuarta Pared VR and the new theatrum mundi: an arts-based research on live acting and performance in virtual reality platforms.” International Theatre Conference CARTEMAD 2021. Universidad Complutense de Madrid – Madrid, Spain. PAPER PRESENTATION


26.    Baía Reis, António; Esteban Blein, Jorge; Duran Fonseca, Estefany; Serra, Roger; Peña, Inma. 2021. “From theatre venues to theatre worlds: an arts-based study on live acting and performance in virtual reality.” Immersive Storytelling Symposium: Opportunities for Innovation. University of Nottingham – Nottingham, UK. PAPER PRESENTATION


27.    Baía Reis, António; de Lima Santos, Mathias Felipe. 2021 “From 19th century camarae obscurae to 360-degree photography: the evolution of photography through Walter Benjamin’s ‘optical unconscious’”. The VI International Cinema & Territory Conference. The University of Madeira – Madeira, Portugal. PAPER PRESENTATION


28.    Baía Reis, António. 2021. “New Perspectives, Old Problems: The Intersection Between Immersive Technologies and Artistic Practices in the Construction of Emotions, Sensibilities, and Social Impact.” The VI International Cinema & Territory Conference. The University of Madeira – Madeira, Portugal. KEYNOTE SPEAKER


29.    Baía Reis, António. 2021. “La Cuarta Pared VR [The Fourth Wall VR] and live performance in VR”. Open Studio Ways of InteXRaction, LEV Festival at Matadero – Madrid, Spain. KEYNOTE SPEAKER


30.    Baía Reis, António. 2021. “The art of saving art: immersive storytelling for social change.” 25th annual DRHA conference is Digital Matters: Designing/Performing Agency for the Anthropocene. Humboldt University Berlin and Free University Berlin – Berlin, Germany. PAPER PRESENTATION


31.    Baía Reis, António. 2021. “Immersive media and social change: the ‘empathy machine’ is dead, long live ‘emotional geography’!”. JOLT – CICOM Conference “Harnessing Data and Technology for Journalism”. University of Navarra – Pamplona, Spain. PAPER PRESENTATION


32.    Benítez de Gracia, María José, Herrera Damas. Susana, Baía Reis, António. 2021. “Immersive journalism in times of pandemic: analysis of news coverage during the Covid-19 crisis”. JOLT – CICOM Conference “Harnessing Data and Technology for Journalism”. University of Navarra – Pamplona, Spain. PAPER PRESENTATION


33.    Baía Reis, António. 2021. “The media practitioner as an academic, artist and advocate: a practice-based research on immersive media and creativity.” MPE/MeCCSA Practice Network Symposium 2021. Solent University. Southhampton - UK. PAPER PRESENTATION


34.    Baía Reis, António. 2021. “The art of saving art: immersive storytelling for social change.” Digital Storytelling Conference 2021 - Storytelling for a "just" future. Loughborough University. Loughborough - UK. PAPER PRESENTATION


35.    Baía Reis, António and Coelho, António. 2019. “Immersive Journalism and Emotion”. Future of Journalism Conference 2019. Cardiff University. Cardiff – UK. PAPER PRESENTATION


36.    Baía Reis, António, Coelho, António, and Kasprzak, Michelle. 2019. “’The Kids of the Cardboard Boxes are Back on Top Again’: Leveraging Immersive Media for Social Change”. IAMCR 2019 – International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid – Spain. PAPER PRESENTATION


37.    Baía Reis, António. 2019. Member of the Organizing Committee - “EuroVis 2019 – 21st EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization”, University of Porto. Porto (Portugal). 2019


38.    Baía Reis, António and Coelho, António. 2018. “Immersive Journalism and Empathy: The Next Frontier in Social and Cultural Awareness?”. ECREA 2018 – European Communication and Research Education Association Conference, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano. POSTER PRESENTATION


39.    Baía Reis, António. 2017. “Immersive journalism and audiences: immersion, presence, and emotion in the construction of the concept of immersive media audience”. SOPCOM – 10th Conference of the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences, The School of Education of Viseu, Viseu. PAPER PRESENTATION


40.    Baía Reis, António. 2017. “Immersive Journalism: A theoretical and conceptual framework”. Future of Journalism 2017 – Journalism in a Post-Truth Age? School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies – Cardiff University. Cardiff – UK. PAPER PRESENTATION


41.    Baía Reis, António and Moutinho, Nuno. 2017. “Theatre criticism in Portugal: historical paths and current dynamics”. XV Congreso da Asociación de Historiadores de la Comunicación 2017 - Comunicación y Espectáculo. Media Innovation Lab - University of Porto. Porto. PAPER PRESENTATION


42.    Baía Reis, António. 2017. “Immersive journalism, audiences and emotion. Towards a definition of immersive media audience”. ECREA Journalism Studies Section Conference 2017 – Changing Audiences, Changing Journalism. Centre for Journalism – University of Southern Denmark. Odense – Denmark. PAPER PRESENTATION 


43.    Baía Reis, António. 2017. Member of the Organizing Committee - “Creative Colab 2017: Immersive Storytelling and Digital Citizenship”. An event focused on exploring 360 video storytelling to raise awareness about LGBTI+ issues. Porto (Portugal). 2017.


44.    Baía Reis, António. 2016. “Journalism and virtual reality: A theoretical and conceptual overview on immersive journalism”. 5th Doctoral Seminar in Communication and Cultural Studies. University of Minho. Braga. PAPER PRESENTATION


45.    Baía Reis, António. 2016. “Virtual Worlds and Immersive Journalism: An historical and conceptual overview”. 3rd Journalism and Society Work Group Meeting - SOPCOM (Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences). University of Porto. Porto. PAPER PRESENTATION


46.    Baía Reis, António. 2016. “Activism ‘as if you were there’: Virtual reality journalism concepts, uses, opportunities and limits towards a new form of activist media practice”. European Sociological Association (ESA) - Research Network 18: Sociology of Communications and Media Research Mid-Term Conference: Rethinking Power in Communicative Capitalism Critical Perspectives on Media, Culture and Society, ISCTE-IUL - University Institute of Lisbon, Lisbon. PAPER PRESENTATION


47.    Baía Reis, António. 2016. “Theatre Criticism and Theatre Critics: Obliteration or Rising Phoenix?”. I International Conference of Young Researchers on Theatre Studies, University of Murcia, Murcia. PAPER PRESENTATION


48.    Baía Reis, António. 2016. “Virtual Reality and Prejudice: Immersive Journalism as a means for Social and Cultural Awareness”. Cyberculture Conference: Thought, archives and knowledge transcultural networks circumnavigations, SOPCOM – Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences Cyberculture Work Group Special Keynote Panel, University of Minho, Braga.  PAPER PRESENTATION


49.    Baía Reis, António. 2016. “Theatre criticism history in Portugal: From Francisco Bernardo Lima’s eighteenth century feuilletonism to copy-pasted press releases”. I Communication History Seminar, University of Minho, Braga. PAPER PRESENTATION


50.    Baía Reis, António. 2016. “Systematic Combining: A methodological abductive approach for the study of theatre criticism in Portugal”. 3rd Meeting of Young Researchers in Communication Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, 2016. PAPER PRESENTATION


51.    Baía Reis, António. 2016. “The Whereabouts of Theatre Criticism”. IJUP 2016 - 9th Meeting of Young Researchers, University of Porto, Porto. PAPER PRESENTATION


52.    Baía Reis, António e Moutinho, Nuno. 2015. “Theatre criticism as a cultural journalism subgenre: An historical overview of theatre criticism in Europe and Portugal and its relation with social phenomena and press history”. 9th Conference of the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences Proceedings 4. 66-78. ISBN: 978-989-99840-2-8. PAPER PRESENTATION


-    Baía Reis, A. A. C. (2021). Immersive media, social change, and creativity: A framework for designing collaborative 360º video productions (Doctoral dissertation, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and Stanford University).

-    Baía Reis, A. A. C. (2015). Theatre criticism in Portugal: Past, present and future (Master’s dissertation, University of Porto).

Research articles

1.    de Gracia, M. J., Herrera Damas, S., & Baía Reis, A. (2024). Immersive journalism in times of lockdowns. IC Revista Científica De Información Y Comunicación, 20, 77-100.

2.    Sá-Sousa, A., Almeida, G., Bastos, T., Rosário, A., Lopes, F., Costa, E., Reis, A., Figueiredo, D., Neves, A., Loureiro, C., et al. (2024). Co-creation of a self-management application for asthma: A citizen science protocol. Revista Portuguesa de Imunoalergologia, 31 March.

3.    Areia, M., Dias, L. P., Matos, P., Figueiredo, D., Neves, A. L., da Costa, E. D., Loureiro, C. C., Boechat, J. L., Baía Reis, A., Simões, P., Taborda-Barata, L., Fonseca, J. A., Sá-Sousa, A., & Jácome, C. (2024). Public involvement in chronic respiratory diseases research: A qualitative study of patients', carers' and citizens' perspectives. Health Expectations.


4.    Baía Reis, A. (2023). Immersive media and social change: The ‘empathy machine’ is dead, long live ‘emotional geography’! Anàlisi.


5.    Jácome, C., Fonseca, N., Rodrigues, T., Fernandes, S., da Costa, E. D., Amaral, R., Matos, P., Areia, M., Dias, L., Vilaverde, M., Loureiro, C. C., Boechat, J. L., Baía Reis, A., Figueiredo, D., Neves, A. L., Simões, P., Taborda-Barata, L., Fonseca, J. A., & Sá-Sousa, A. (2023). PAAI - Interactive online self-learning programme for patients with asthma: Protocol for co-creation and impact. Revista Portuguesa de Imunoalergologia.


6.    Sá-Sousa, A., Rodrigues, T., Fernandes, S., Santos, A. M., Garcia-Lema, I., da Costa, E. D., Loureiro, C. C., Boechat, J. L., Baía Reis, A., et al. (2023). ConectAR: Collaborative network of patients with asthma and carers actively involved in health research. A protocol for patient and public involvement. European Annals of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.


7.    Baía Reis, A., & Ashmore, M. (2022). From video streaming to virtual reality worlds: An academic, reflective, and creative study on live theatre and performance in the metaverse. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media.


8.    Baía Reis, A., & Coelho, A. (2018). Virtual reality and journalism: A gateway to conceptualizing immersive journalism. Digital Journalism, 6(8), 1090-1100.


9.    Baía Reis, A. (2018). Is Portuguese theatre criticism still relevant? Sinais de Cena, 2(3), 69-87.


10.    Baía Reis, A. (2017). Conceptualizing mediatization: Is ‘Have Your Say’ a kind of transnational public sphere for public deliberation? Mediatization Studies.


11.    Pinto, R., Baía Reis, A., Cónego, L., & Gonçalves, G. (2021). New pedagogical approaches to shaping the next generation of Portuguese manufacturing professionals. Proceedings of the Conference on Learning Factories 2021.


12.    Baía Reis, A., & Kasprzak, M. (2020). Unraveling the landscape: A 360° workshop. EASST Review, 39(1).


13.    Baía Reis, A. (2016). Virtual worlds and immersive journalism: An historical and conceptual overview. Estudos de Jornalismo (Journalism Studies), 1(6), 100-112.


14.    Baía Reis, A. (2016). Systematic combining: A methodological abductive approach for the study of theatre criticism in Portugal. Comunicando, 5(1), 66-85.


Book chapters


15.    Santana Mahmut, S., & Baía Reis, A. (2024). Tecnologías inmersivas en teatro en la era del spatial computing: El caso de La Cuarta Pared VR. In Experiencias inmersivas: realidad virtual y realidad aumentada en periodismo, publicidad y artes. Tirant lo Blanch. ISBN 9788411836111.


16.    Baía Reis, A., Kick, L., & Hahn, O. (2023). Immersive media technologies and their impact on today's and future media and communication landscape: Potentialities and challenges through the lens of Riepl’s Law. In Digital Disruption and Media Transformation: How Technological Innovation Shapes the Future of Communication. Springer.


17.    Baía Reis, A., Kick, L., & Oliveto, M. (2023). Main concepts in immersive journalism. In Insights on Immersive Journalism (Routledge Journalism Insights series). Routledge.


18.    Pérez-Seijo, S., Benítez de Gracia, M. J., & Baía Reis, A. (2022). Immersed in the news: How VR and 360-degree video have triggered a shift in journalistic storytelling. In Emerging Practices in the Age of Automated Digital Journalism. Routledge.


19.    Baía Reis, A., & Coelho, A. (2020). Unveiling the landscape: An exploratory study on 360 video, creativity, digital literacy, and social change. In Digital Citizenship, Literacies and Contexts of Inequalities.


Awards and distinctions

- “MIT Reality Hack 2023”. Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT Media Lab. One of 300 Creative Technologists selected worldwide to participate in a Virtual and Augmented Reality Hackathon at MIT Media Lab focused on developing innovative solutions for real-world problems using immersive media technologies (USA, 2023).

- “Best Creative Concept 2023”, Finalist with the VR production The Council of the Titans. INMERSIVA XR The Spanish Association of Extended Reality 2023 Awards. The INMERSIVA XR Awards annually honor the best Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality projects from Spanish companies. (Spain, 2023).

- “SPAIC – JABA RECORDATI 2023 Best Research Project 2023”. Portuguese Society of Immunoallergology. Best research project award for the project “COSMIC Co-creation of a self-management app for asthma: a citizen science protocol” that combines science communication, arts and immersive media (Portugal, 2023).


- “Best Academic Work-in-Progress Paper”. Immersive Learning Research Network Conference 2023. Award for the paper “Immersive Media and War Reporting in Colombia: Uses, Potentialities and Challenges of 360° Video to Narrate Armed Conflicts” (USA, 2023)


-“Vodafone 5GLabInnova Award”. Vodafone Spain. For innovating the use of social virtual reality technologies to advance the production of live digital entertainment through the La Cuarta Pared VR immersive theater collective. Cuarta Pared VR was officially selected as one of the ten most innovative metaverse projects and was integrated and accelerated by its Vodafone 5GLabInnova (Spain, 2022).


- “Moniker x Creative Debuts Digital Artist Grant ”. Moniker Foundation and Creative Debuts. Award for supporting the development of arts-based research with immersive media arts around social impact. (UK, 2022). 


- “SPAIC – AstraZeneca 2022 Award”. SPAIC Astrazeneca. Award for the project ConectAR, a citizen lab for the study of chronic asthma with an digital media arts-based science communication approach. (Portugal, 2022).


- “SPAIC – AstraZeneca 2021 Award”. SPAIC Astrazeneca. Award for the project “Collaborative network of asthma patients and caregivers actively involved in health research”, a citizen lab for the study of chronic asthma with an digital media arts-based science communication approach. (Portugal, 2021).


- “Container Artistic Residency” Award. Container Magazine. Award for the arts-based research project Queer ec(h)o, a work revolving around climate emergency, queer justice and VR acting. (UK, 2021)


-“FLAD Luso-American Development Foundation “PAPERS@USA 2019”. FLAD. Award for the presentation of the work “Raider of the lost sculpture: An auto-ethnographical journey at the remote edge of Europe” at the Doing Autoetnography 2020 Conference (USA, 2020).


- “EASST 2019 Fund Award”. EASST - European Association for the Study of Science and Technology. Award for “Unraveling the Landscape: a 360-degree video workshop” (The Netherlands, 2019).

© 2025 by António Baía Reis

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